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More than 4,400 Mexico medical positions filled after international call

Mexico City, Mexico — The Secretary of Health says more than 4,400 health care personnel who applied for positions in Mexico are accredited. On Tuesday, the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer Varela, said of the 10,920 who registered, 4,494 were accredited to occupy a position.

The figures were revealed during a presentation of the progress of the National Day of Recruitment and Hiring of Medical Specialists, which he described as “unprecedented”.

“There is no doubt that the day of recruitment of doctors is an unprecedented event in the health of Mexico,” he said during the Tuesday morning presidential press conference.

He explained that on June 11, 40 offices were set up throughout the country with reception tables for applicants. Of 10,920 doctors and medical specialists registered, 4,494 accredited went to the next stage, while 6,229 failed to attend the appointment and 197 did not accredit their specialty.

Campeche, Aguascalientes and Oaxaca registered the highest percentage of responses, while Colima, Jalisco and Guanajuato had the lowest applicant participation.

Alcocer Varela said 700 representatives of the health sector participated in the accreditation tables. On June 15, the integration of the files will be completed for delivery to the five different health institutions. Those hired will be segmented by institution of first choice and specialty.

Candidates who are not hired in the first round will be referred to an alternative, with which the Government of Mexico hopes to guarantee the greatest number of contracts. The program is meant to strengthen the public health care system mostly in places such as Nayarit, Tlaxcala and Colima.