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Ministry of Health reports Mexico still coronavirus free

Mexico City, Mexico — As of February 6, no probable or positive cases of the new coronavirus (2019-CoV) have been reported in Mexico, reports the Ministry of Health.

La Secretaría de Salud says since the outbreak of the virus, the National Epidemiological Surveillance System has detected 10 suspected cases of mild symptoms throughout various parts of Mexico, however all were negative.

Meanwhile, 24,554 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus as well as 492 deaths, of which one occurred outside of China, have been reported globally. In the last 24 hours, 3,925 new cases have been registered.

They say the overall fatality rate is two percent, which represents a 0.6 percent decline compared to the day before. The proportion of serious cases remains at 13.10 percent.

Outside of China, 191 cases have been confirmed of which 7.3 percent were confirmed while they were asymptomatic.