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Looters make off with semi load after dozing driver topples outside Mahahual

Mahahual, Q.R. — A semi that overturned outside Mahahaul was quickly emptied by looters Thursday. The unit was noticed by passing motorists around 6:00 a.m. on its side.

Photos of looters were captured emptying the trailers of its products before police arrived. The semi was hauling a double load of fruit juices, waters and sodas when the accident happened.

People were seen walking along the side of the overturned trailers helping themselves to as much as they could carry, while others loaded boxes in piles along the side of the road. One looter was captured filling the back of his pickup before finally leaving.

By the time National Guard Highways arrived, the trailers were found nearly emptied.

The driver of the semi is alleged to have dozed off at the wheel and swerved off the highway, causing it to topple onto its side. He suffered only minor injuries and was treated on site by paramedics.