Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — A weekend at-sea tour by the Secretaría de Marina and federal fishing inspectors has lead to the seizure of another vessel. More than 180 kilos of poached fish was found aboard a boat manned by two people near Isla Contoy.
Inspectors spotted the small boat fishing near the Isla Contoy National Park in the municipality of Isla Mujeres Saturday. According to a report by the Ninth Naval Region of the Secretary of the Navy, “during a routine inspection of the vessel, it was concluded that it was carrying out irregular fishing activities without a permit.”
Inspectors from the National Commission for Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca) proceeded to seize the boat and catch which consisted of 160 kilograms of scales, 15 kilos of lobster and 10 kilos of octopus.
Conapesca personnel said the smaller vessel, fishing gear and marine product were seized and placed at the disposal of the corresponding authorities.
The at-sea patrol was a joint operation between the Secretaría de Marina and the Comisión Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca (Conapesca). Both institutions have been performing regular at-sea patrols and inspections for two years to crack down on illegal fishing in Quintana Roo waters.
Last week, federal fishery inspectors seized a boat and its contents after the two on board were unable to produce permits. That seizure took place in waters off the coast of Lázaro Cárdenas. In that seizure, a total of of 18 kilos of lobster and 10 kilos of octopus had been found illegally fished.