Chetumal, Q.R. –Governor Carlos Joaquín has confirmed that the state continues to move away from a green epidemiological light adding that “there is no good news” due to the increase in positive COVID-19 cases.
Prior to his Thursday update, he said that the increase is the result of relaxed health and hygiene protocols. He also said that with this, there is no definite date for the return of face-to-face classes in schools in January as hoped.
“At this moment, we are not even close to the color green. On the contrary. We are moving away from the color green. A vaccination regarding the coronavirus is arriving that will surely help, but we are still in a phase of seeing what is going to happen,” he stressed.
Carlos Joaquín said that the epidemiological light remains yellow during the week of December 14 to 20, but warns that the southern region it is about to go back to orange. He said that due to the rise in infections, social gatherings and events including pilgrimages will not be allowed for the Guadalupana festivities.
He also announced that measures will be taken to restrict mobility again in the southern portion of the state to prevent contagion from accelerating and not put the economic reactivation at risk.
The State Secretary of Health, Alejandra Aguirre Crespo, has asked people to be prudent and continue with public hygiene measures, since it will take several months until different vaccines are available for all population groups. She says it will take several months for the varying vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus to be available for everyone.
“Vaccines will in no way replace case mitigation strategies, so it is necessary to continue with public hygiene measures such as hand washing, proper use of face masks, staying at home and in case of going out, maintaining a healthy distance.”
She explained that although there is no set date for the start of vaccinations in Quintana Roo, once they do arrive, the vaccines will come from the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, CanSino and AstraZeneca, each of which, have unique characteristics in their handling and application.
The first 250,000 doses are expected to arrived in Mexico City and Coahuila this month which will guarantee 125,000 vaccinated people, since two doses are needed to achieve immunization, she added.
Aguirre Crespo said w hen vaccines do arrive for Quintana Roo, vaccinations are planned in the southern area in facilities of the State Laboratory of Public Health in Chetumal and in the northern area in the Dr. Jesús Kumate Rodríguez General Hospital in Cancun.