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Forest fire nearly under control after burning 2,200 hectares of Cumbres de Monterrey National Park

Sierra de Santiago, Nuevo Leon — Approximately 2,200 hectares continues to burn in the Sierra de Santiago area of Nuevo Leon. The burning forest is part of the Cumbres de Monterrey National Park.

While 95 percent of the fire has been controlled, Civil Protection of Nuevo Leon reports they continue to battle flames.  More than 540 forest firefighters from the National Forestry Commission (Conafor), Civil Protection, the National Guard and other volunteers, have worked tirelessly to put it out.

Helicopters and a DC10 Air Tanker aircraft were used as part of their extinguishing operation.

Given the level of devastation, Governor Samuel García said to avoid more fires, bonfires and open barbecues are now prohibited in the area.