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FGR issues 61 arrest warrants related to Garcia Luna network

Mexico City, Mexico — The Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) has issued 61 arrest warrants related to what is being referred to locally as the García Luna network. On Tuesday, the federal agency said they have issued arrest warrants that include Genaro “G”, Jonathan Alexis “N”, Mauricio Samuel “N” and 58 other individuals.

The agency said the warrants were issued for crimes of embezzlement, operations with resources of illicit origin and organized crime.

“According to the investigations, these people colluded with the then head of the Federal Public Security Secretariat, Genaro “G” and his partners Jonathan Alexis “N” and Mauricio Samuel “N”, to plunder the public resources of the decentralized administrative prevention and social rehabilitation (federal prisons) body, dependent on said Secretariat.

“The foregoing, in order to channel these illegal resources to companies controlled by Genaro “G”, his partners and accomplices, both from the public and private sectors, through 10 illegal contracts for the sum of more than 5.1 billion pesos that were stolen through various international criminal triangulations.

“The red card has already been requested for all those who have fled the country and requests for international legal assistance will be made to obtain the return of the looted property of the nation.

“This criminal procedure is independent of the complaint made public Monday by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit regarding another multimillion-dollar plunder against the federal police, also linked to companies belonging to Genaro “G”, his partners and accomplices.

“Regarding this new procedure, all the necessary evidence is already being collected to proceed with the corresponding criminal link and the recovery of the stolen goods,” the FGR reported in a press statement.

In March, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported on a civil complaint filed in the U.S. regarding the Garcia Luna case for property and money to be returned to Mexico.

He said that the money lost was in excess of $700 million USD or 140 billion pesos, calling it “a horrifying amount.”