Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — Federal officials have seized an Isla Mujeres fishing vessel and the crew’s catch for poaching. The crew were caught fishing illegally Tuesday by inspectors from the National Commission for Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca).

The surprise inspection took place at the Puerto Juárez on the mainland where federal authorities were conducting routine inspections. While there, vessel José Antonio I arrived and was boarded.
The crew were unable to provide the federal inspectors with the necessary documents needed to fish Isla Mujeres waters, which resulted in the seizure of the vessel and catch.
“Personnel from the Fifth Naval Region, in coordination with inspectors from the Comisión Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca (Conapesca), surprised seamen working without the corresponding permits and as a precautionary measure, detained their vessel and the product it contained,” they reported.
“The events occurred at the fishing pier in Puerto Juárez when federal authorities were carrying out a routine inspection of a small vessel named José Antonio I, registration 31014692239, which was carrying out fishing activities.

“When requesting documentation accrediting the seafarers to carry out their activity, they were unable to present the corresponding permits for the legal fishing of 2,000 kilos of grouper.

“Faced with overwhelming evidence, the naval and Conapesca personnel participating in the operation proceeded to the precautionary detention of the vessel, fishing gear and marine product, which was placed at the disposal of the corresponding authorities.”