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Federal government confirms Quintana Roo only state recording covid increases

Cancun, Q.R. — For the past five weeks, the state of Quintana Roo has continued to record an increase in covid figures. During a Tuesday press conference, Dr. Hugo López-Gatell confirmed that of the 32 states, only Quintana Roo continues reporting an increase in figures.

Quintana Roo “has a period of five weeks of increases in the epidemic. It is not decreasing, it is increasing,” stressed López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion of the federal government.

He noted that the other 31 states are maintaining a downward trend adding “we have a state which we will comment on throughout the week in detail, which at this time, has the opposite, has a period of five weeks of increases in the epidemic and it is Quintana Roo. Quintana Roo is not on the decline, Quintana Roo is on the rise,” he emphasized.

He said that the federal government will work with Quintana Roo, as it has with other states who, in the past, have shown an increase in transmission or that began to record an increase in cases. The federal government, he specified, will give Quintana Roo corresponding technical advice and motivate the necessary public health measures to reverse the trend.

In contrast, he mentioned that in the other 31 states, “they have a sustained a downward trend, or at least, they do not have such a noticeable increase,” adding for “sixteen weeks where every day the number of people who fall ill with COVID are less than the day before, 16 weeks, four months,” he stressed.

Last week, Quintana Roo governor Carlos Joaquin warned that due to the continued increase in infections, the state is closer to a red epidemiological light than it is to yellow. On Tuesday, he confirmed that the behavior of contagions has changed, since the vast majority of the infected are now younger people.