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Current Isla Mujeres administration audit hampered says deputy

Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — Deputy Edgar Gasca Arceo said that the current constitutional controversy has hampered the audit of the current administration of Isla Mujeres and that it will be the incoming authorities that will determine if there were irregularities.

He said three days ago, Arturo Palacios, Superior Auditor of the State, confirmed that the legal representative of Isla Mujeres presented a complaint before the Supreme Court of Justice regarding the audit.

Faced with this situation, he indicated that the Superior Audit cannot provide information on the result of the audit until the SCJN determines whether or not the complaint proceeds.

The complaint, he added, is against the audit, with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and Congress with which it is being argued that the Superior Audit is not empowered to carry out this exercise.

“It seems to me that it is a strategy to save time, but in the end, it will be up to the incoming municipal administration to establish if everything is in order in the delivery reception,” he said during a Radio Fórmula interview.

Gasca Arceo reiterated that the new Isla Mujeres authority will have to do what is pertinent before the administration of the current mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis, who recently joined as a federal deputy.

On Thursday, less than a week before the new mayor takes office, locals left a sign of thanks to its current mayor, Juan Carrillo Soberanis, for the mound of open-air garbage that has been allowed to continue to grow.

More than 20,000 tons of waste remain in the island’s Solid Waste Transfer site having not been moved to the island’s Confidential Zone for weeks. The new mayor of the municipality of Isla Mujeres will take office on September 30, who, only days ago, expressed her concern at the state of abandonment in which the municipality is in.

“It must be said, as it is today, they are leaving us a devastated, dirty island sunk in insecurity,” said mayor-elect Atenea Gómez Ricalde. “There are serious issues that must be addressed in Isla Mujeres once the next administration begins, issues such as the excess garbage that has accumulated on the island. It must be resolved,” she stressed.