Cancún, Q.R. — Benito Juárez City Council gave the green light for the new garbage collection company to begin working Cancun city streets. The company, Red Ambiental, was chosen out of several interested companies by third-party Siresol Cancun. Red Ambiental will be responsible for collecting the 1,400 tons of waste generated daily.
The new company was hired after months of internal issues with the city’s previous choice, Inteligencia México SA de CV. Last week, Cancun city council declared a breach of contract, firing Inteligencia México SA de CV and replacing them now with Red Ambiental.
“The Cabildo took the bull by the horns and in the face of the environmental emergency, it decided, in strict compliance with the law, to hire collection vehicles and sufficient personnel by a third party with the technical capacity to guarantee this function,” explained Cancun’s mayor Mara Lezama.
Red Ambiental, who began work Wednesday, will collect city garbage until January 15, which is when a federal tender will come out to define who will permanently replace the company Inteligencia México SA de CV.