Bacalar, Q.R. — Waterline work has begun in the municipality of Bacalar. On Thursday, the State Government announced the start of the 13.7 million peso project.
The project will include the installation of new lines by the Potable Water and Sewerage Commission (CAPA). The lines are being installed in sections which, when finished, will bring water to more than 3,000 Bacalar homes.
According to the State Government, the pipe replacement project is being carried out with resources contributed bipartitely between the state and the federation through the Potable Water, Drainage and Treatment Program (Proagua 2023).
The CAPA project consist of the interconnection of the existing 10-inch conduction line to a 6-inch line, in which a gate-type sectioning valve box and a 6-inch diameter flow meter will be built to optimize the service in the so-called sector 2 that covers the Serapio Flota Mass and Gonzalo Guerrero neighborhoods.
In addition, for the supply of drinking water, approximately 13,704 linear meters of new, surrounding and secondary lines of different diameters will be installed. The new lines will connect 824 new household outlets in the sector to benefit 3,000 residents.