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Tulum resident fed up with neighbor noise fires warning shots: then police arrive

Tulum, Q.R. — A man fed up with his loud neighbors shot several warning rounds into the air Thursday night. However, his shots alerted other area residents who ended up calling police.

The unidentified man fired the shots after having his requests for quiet repeatedly ignored by his intoxicated neighbors. The incident happened Thursday night in the Tumben Ka’a neighborhood of Tulum.

The neighbors were reportedly partying which lead to loud arguments outside their home. When the neighbor asked for them to quiet down on several occassions, he was ignored.

Out of frustration, he fired several warning shots into the air. Subsequently, residents along nearby Yodzonot Avenue heard the shots and called police. Emergency 9-1-1 sent military personnel and police officers to the area in response to the neighborhood report.

Both police and military personnel arrived where they located several shell casings laying on the street. There were reports of arrests.