Tulum, Q.R. — After two recorded instances of public abuse cases in Tulum in a two week period, the Secretary of Public Security assumed complete control of the Tulum municipal police. As of April 11, the SSP have taken over, enforcing the Single Police Command agreement from May of 2019 “by virtue of the constant and intolerant acts of abuse misapplied, erroneous and incorrect control procedures, techniques, tactics and protocols, as well as the lack of control of individual impulses in the submission of people, exceeding the limits of their actions in the legal sphere and the unrestricted respect of human rights.”
The SSP reported that a first group of 30 Tulum police officers have been sent to the State Academy of Public Security in Chetumal for specialized training “since the citizens of Tulum deserve well-trained police officers.”
In March, a woman died at the hands of Tulum police during an arrest. Last week, a citizen videoed a handcuffed young man being physically punched by an arresting officer after being put in the back of the police unit.
The four officers involved in the death of the woman remain in prison during their trial. The officers involved in the physical abuse of the young man are still under investigation.