Cozumel, Q.R. — Two men were taken into custody in Cozumel Wednesday after a shootout with police. The pair were being pursued on a motorcycle, wanted in relation to the shooting of a private home the night before.
While in pursuit, one of the men took aim at officers. Police fired back, injuring one of the motorcycle riders. Authorities have since announced the arrests of Roberto Alexander “N” and Carlos Sebastián “N”.
In a statement Wednesday, the State Attorney General (FGE) reported on the arrest of “two male persons, related to the threats and an armed attack against the home of a journalist from Cozumel, which occurred in the early morning of September 24 of this year.
“Roberto Alexander “N” and Carlos Sebastián “N” were captured while riding a motorcycle on Avenida Transversal near Calle 85. At the time of their arrests, a handgun and their motorcycle were seized, which will be added to the investigation initiated for the attack and threats against the journalist.
“Videos from a surveillance camera made it possible to identify the vehicle in which those responsible,” the FGE reported.

On Wednesday, Cozumel officers noticed the motorcycle, similar to the one used in the incident, traveling at excessive speed on Avenida Transversal so they stopped it. “However, in order to avoid justice, one of the people under investigation tried to flee and shot at a ministerial agent who repelled the attack.
“In this incident, one of the captured was injured, so he was transferred to a hospital on the island for medical attention where his health condition is reported as stable.
“Initial investigations indicate that the detainees belong to a criminal group that generates violence in this municipality.”