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Secretary of Health clarifies child’s death not coronavirus related

Cancun, Q.R. — In a press conference, the Secretary of Health of Quintana Roo disseminated a rumor about the weekend death of a 4-year-old boy in Cancun due to coronavirus.

Alejandra Aguirre, Secretaria de Salud de Quintana Roo said the report published by a local newspaper Saturday claiming a 4-year-old boy of Chinese origin had died of coronavirus is false. Aguirre clarified that the child died Saturday due to a tumor after being admitted to the Victoria Clinic in Cancun.

She noted that the newspaper stigmatized the child due to his origin. Pediatrician Sergio Gamboa said the cause of death was “due to a cardiorespiratory arrest. It means that his heart stopped beating. Mediastinal tumor means a mass or a tumor that is located in the middle region of the chest. It does not mean pneumonia.”

During the press conference, los Servicios Estatales de Salud (Sesa) reiterated that the state of Quintana Roo remains cononavirus free, adding that protocols are in place to deal with the virus in the event it is detected.