Cancun, Q.R. — The Ministry of Health says a letter circulating across social media claiming a positive case of coronavirus in Cancun is false.
The head of SESA (Secretaría de Salud Quintana Roo) responded to the circulation of the letter, referring to it as fake news, reminding the population to better inform themselves through official means of state health authorities.
The announcement came from SESA head Alejandra Aguirre Crespo, who posted the reaction on social media, confirming that the official data of Covid-19 in Quintana Roo still stands at zero confirmed cases.
She explained that from February 28 to 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 12 there have been a total of 17 suspected cases, 12 negative and five under study.
She says a letter on SESA letterhead that appears signed by the state governor claiming a positive case of coronavirus in Cancun is completely false, calling it an apocryphal document.