Isla Mujeres, Q. R. — Another sea turtle was helped to return to water after becoming stuck on rocks. On Tuesday, three men helped to heave the large turtle to freedom by lifting her from between rocks where she was found wedged.
The turtle rescue took place after staff from the Isla Mujeres Turtle Camp were notified of the stuck turtle at Punta Sur. A resident from the Casey Carley complex saw the turtle and notified authorities.
According to Isla Mujeres City Council, “Thanks to the timely and immediate intervention of the staff of the Turtle Camp of Isla Mujeres, the release of a sea turtle that was stuck on the eastern coast of Isla Mujeres in Punta Sur was achieved near the Casa Carey residential complex in the Island Zone of the municipality.
“In this regard, the Environment and Ecology department headed by Edwin Novelo Ríos, reported that it was an adult female specimen of the white or green species measuring 1.11 meters long by 1.6 meters wide.
“After receiving a call for help, the staff of the Tortuguero Camp rescued the turtle, which was in good health and it was returned to the sea without complications.”