Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — A new Naval Police Control System has been inaugurated in Isla Mujeres. The new system is part of the municipality’s improved security scheme which will allow the monitoring of criminal activity.
Rear Admiral Eduardo Fouilloux Bataller, general director of the agency, specified that this new system (Sistema de Control de la Policía Naval or SICOPOLNAV), will allow for more effective performance and attention of the municipal police in the face of any criminal act that may arise.
“I want to emphasize that the important thing about this system is the communication that will exist between the police, the computerized control systems and the citizens,” said Isla Mujeres mayor Juan Carrillo.
The new system, which is part of the Public Safety and Municipal Traffic, will monitor and record events such as acts of violence and citizen calls. The system will also allow Geo-referencing and data analyses.
“As of today, businesses will be able to notify the police in a single click, either for an emergency or prevention if they observe a suspicious event, which will allow an immediate reaction by Public Security and a follow-up of the case from the beginning,” he added.