Cozumel, Q.R. — Cozumel police officers now have to participate in mandatory health and fitness classes to stay on the job. The new requirements include both classroom and workout time to ensure “correct health” and “good performance”.
The two week health and wellness course is being taught “in order to endorse in the elements the teaching of correct health and good eating habits as well as good physical performance and conditioning,” Professionalization Institute of the Security Directorate head Dante López Cortez reported.
Through the Institute, this initiative must be part of the basic training of the police. López Cortez says it is a permanent ongoing program for all Cozumel officers.
Classroom topics being taught include motivation, psychology and self-esteem, closed order, police discipline as well as food and health as physical care. The new program also includes two fitness sessions per day.
Dante López said that the topics covered in the course are with the intention that the elements are better prepared for their work on the street. He also said that in terms of food it is very difficult for officers, compared to a normal citizen, to eat in a healthy and balanced way due to their work times, which usually results in them choosing to eat what is within reach, which is why they are being provided with tools for proper eating.
He said this type of training will be applied throughout the year until palpable results are seen within the Cozumel police corporation.