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Cozumel park fire pegged at 25 million in damage

Cozumel, Q.R. — Damage is pegged at over 25 million peso after the machine room at the parque Benito Juárez in the city’s center caught fire.

Héctor Mac Marín, municipal director of Protección Civil said that the fire was very intense and proved challenging to control, adding that the area that housed the batteries and generators was the likely source of the blaze.

Firefighters had to break a piece of wall in two different areas to access the flames in order to begin the extinguishing process. CFE arrived on site to cut power while Cozumel firemen worked to put out the fire.

Flames were finally doused by 2:00 a.m. The equipment inside the machine room was completely destroyed. Authorities began the task of damage evaluation, pegging it in the range of 25 million peso.