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City council to create regulations saying rave parties not part of Tulum’s image

Tulum, Q.R. — Members of Tulum’s city council says the rave parties held in the town do not fit with the tourism image of Tulum, adding that they are working on regulating these types of activities.

The director of tourism, Eugenio Barbachano Losa, say that the electronic music festivals that have gone hand-in-hand with Tulum in the past are not compatible with the type of tourism they promote for the town.

He says it is for this reason they are going to work on regulating these types of activities.

He explained that the raves began in December, having obtained their permits from the previous administration. He says that these parties have generated a lot of conflict between tourists and businessmen pointing out that the parties generate a lot of light and noise in the natural jungle environment.

“With these festivals came a tourism that we had never seen before in Tulum,” he said. “Our tourism is ‘barefoot luxury’, one of the most expensive on the planet and unique in Mexico.”

Barbachano Losa says that festivals approved to be held inside the national park are questionable, explaining that that area is managed by Fernando Orozco, director of the park of the National Commission of National Protected Areas (Conanp).

“It is counterproductive and illogical to have thousands of people at a festival of lights and sounds in an area where the species are supposed to be protected. As usual, Fernando Orozco manages the park at his whim…he is a harmful presence for Tulum,” he said.

Barbachano Losa says they will work with the city to create the necessary regulations to limit these types of activities, that he adds, are more typical for other destinations in the state, but not Tulum.

In January 2, the body of an unidentified man was found in the Zamna Cenote south of Tulum. The night before, the cenote was host to a large New Year’s Eve rave party.