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City Council shuts illegal real estate project on Cozumel

Cozumel, Q.R. — A Cozumel real estate company that has been reported for devastating jungle and mangrove, has been shut down. Municipal authorities closed the project after the report of the felling of trees.

Germán Yañez Mendoza, deputy director of Ecology of the Cozumel City Council, confirmed that they received a complaint of felling without permits. At that point, they went to the site where they found heavy machinery clearing a section of land.

Among the devastation, Cozumel officials also found environmental damage to a mangrove system along with the felling of several protected species of trees. With the felling of protected trees, the company will now also have to answer to the federal government.

In the meantime, the illegal real estate project has been closed down. Yañez said municipal officials from Cozumel will evaluate the extent of the damage caused and issue a fine accordingly.