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Cancun police arrest city bus driver reported drunk by passengers

Cancun, Q.R. — The driver of a public Cancun bus was arrested Friday night after being found drunk behind the wheel. Elements of the Municipal Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit (SMSCyT) arrested the public transport driver before towing his bus from city streets.

Police called a tow truck Friday night after the bus driver failed his breathalyzer.

Cancun Mayor Ana Patricia Peralta confirmed the city bus driver was found “medically intoxicated.”

In a statement late Friday, she said “Cancun residents, our officers from the Municipal Department of Citizen Security and Traffic arrested a public transportation driver, medically certified as intoxicated.

“The bus was located and secured to prevent accidents. This case is already being investigated. The driver was reported for suspension. In Cancun, we are going to take action so that all the concessionaires take care of Cancun families.”

The bus was stopped by city Transit and the driver given a breathalyzer after a passenger report of him driving while likely intoxicated. Cancun city bus driver Jorge “N” failed his breathalyzer test.

Cancun police arrest city bus driver reported drunk by passengers
Jorge “N” was arrested for driving a public transport unit drunk.

Through a separate statement, the police corporation reported that the driver’s arrest was in response to a citizen report, for which he was given breathalyzer tests which certified that he was intoxicated while transporting passengers in his unit.

After the driver was arrested, the bus was towed from city streets.

In an official statement late Friday, Cancun Police said “SMSCyT officers arrested Jorge “N”, a public transport driver, following a citizen report in which he was accused of driving under the influence of alcohol with passengers on board, a situation that was corroborated during the medical certification. So he was referred to the Civic Judge and the bus was secured to avoid risks.”