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Campos says 34 million paid to Playa del Carmen city workers who don’t actually work

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — Solidaridad head Lili Campos says records show more than 34 million peso in payments to workers who did not provide work. Earlier this week, several new administrations located payments made to city workers who did not provide the services for which they received a salary.

While a majority of those workers were found in Chetumal, some were located on the Playa del Carmen city council payroll. Campos says they have uncovered 34 million in salary payments to these workers.

“We are doing a purification so that the payroll does not exceed 54 million pesos per month,” said Campos explaining that when she took over, the city payroll costs taxpayers 88 million a month.

She said a large number of people collecting city money are not actually working and that a payroll purge is in the works. Once complete, files will be generated to start legal proceedings against those involved.

Campos also said that when she took office, the previous administration left 200 million peso “available”, but clarified that half of that money is frozen due to lost legal battles. At least one of the city’s accounts is frozen due to the loss of legal disputes that force them to pay millions in compensation.

“We will review the conditions in which those lawsuits took place and if there was not a good defense and these trials were allowed to be lost, there may be criminal liability,” she warned.