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Authorities acknowledge responsibility in choosing new Maya Train route

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — Authorities are acknowledging the huge responsibility involved in generating a new Maya Train route. After the original Playa del Carmen Maya Train route was scrapped, officials have been left to map out another one.

Rather than going thorough the city, officials have now decided to go around it, which implies going through sensitive jungle areas. Raúl Padilla Borja, president of the Jaguar Wildlife Center said that there is a “huge” responsibility in the new Maya Train route which implies paying special attention to already threatened species of fauna.

He says what they are looking for is to have uninterrupted wildlife corridors by building elements such as overpasses for animals, taking into consideration the full list of reptiles, mammals, birds and amphibians in the area.

“Within these animals are groups in danger and at risk of extinction such as the spider monkey and the jaguar,” he used as examples. “There is a biodiversity that we must take care of because it goes hand-in-hand with our own health,” he said.

He explained that some of species along the chosen route area known to be at risk include the jaguar and vampire bat.

“The importance of biological corridors is that there is genetic exchange through uninterrupted connectivity and that is why fauna crossings in infrastructures are important,” he explained.

Borja also noted the importance of the vegetation and cenotes.

“In the dry season, all this wildlife depends on the only body of water they find, which in this case, are the underground rivers and caves, many of which are going to be affected,” he added.