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Medical supplies delivered to Playa del Carmen hospitals

Playa del Carmen, Q.R — Playa del Carmen area hospitals have finally received medical gear they have been in much need of to tend to patients amid the coronavirus pandemic.

On Thursday, the mayor of Playa del Carmen announced the arrival and distribution of medical supplies to IMSS and the General Hospital of Playa del Carmen, which included gloves, masks, medication and intubation boxes.

Mayor Beristain Navarrete, accompanied by the general director of the DIF Solidarity System, Mirella Díaz Aguilar, was on hand to deliver the supplies to the city’s two hospitals, which was received by Dr. Ana Elizabeth Santana Rodríguez, director of the General Hospital of Zone #18 of the Mexican Institute from Social Security (IMSS) and Dr. Francisco José Granados Navas, director of the General Hospital of Playa del Carmen.

“We are aware that every day, health personnel who are in the first line of care for patients with Covid-19 are doing everything in their power to contain it and it is vitally important that you do so with the recommended equipment to guarantee your own safety. For this reason we are delivering supplies that will undoubtedly serve you in the proper performance of your work,” said the mayor.

Next week, additional supplies will be delivered to area hospitals with the arrival of another plane from China. The supplies were welcomed after health staff protested outside Playa del Carmen hospitals for lack of proper equipment while attending to potential coronavirus patients.