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FGR announces new head of la Policía Federal Ministerial

Mexico City, Mexico — In an unprecedented internal process of transparency and quality, the Attorney General’s Office has appointed Commander Kayosci Guerrero Ortega as the new head of the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM).

In a press release, la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) has announced the appointment of Kayosci Guerrero Ortega for the new title of la Policía Federal Ministerial (PFM), an institution to which he has belonged for more than 18 years.

La Fiscalía General de la República has also announced the appointment of María Dilia Molina Cerda for heading the area of Compliance with Judicial Requests and Commands, Crescencio Núñez Márquez in Operation and Control, Daniel Espinoza Alcantara in the Northwest Region Command, Alfredo Leonardo Ortiz Domínguez, with a 28-year-career for la Comandancia zona Estado de México and Nelson Zamudio Diez as head of Unidad de Asuntos Relevantes.

La Coordinación de Métodos de Investigación, the Centro de Formación y Servicio Profesional de Carrera, the Dirección del Servicio de Carrera, the Centro de Control de Confianza de la Fiscalía General de la República and the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales participated in the internal selection process for these designations.