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Five Cozumel beaches reopen

Cozumel, Q.R. — Five beaches around the island of Cozumel have been opened with the region’s change of epidemiological light. Mayor Pedro Joaquín Delbouis announced that as of September 8, island residents will be able to again, use beaches.

Héctor Mac Marín, Director of Civil Protection, reported that Playas Casitas, Caletita, Las Rocas, Chen Río and San Martín are the five open beaches. He said “we ask Cozumeleños going to enjoy the sea in the designated areas, to keep a distance of approximately two meters per person in order to respect the maximum capacity of 60 percent, which has been established according to the yellow epidemiological light.”

The open beaches are marked with signs and a maximum capacity. He added that beachgoers will be monitored for compliance, ensuring that those going comply with the established health regulations.

Mac Marín stressed that elements from Civil Protection will be carrying out operations in conjunction with lifeguards and police during the weekends, noting that 13 elements of the Directorate of Civil Protection, firefighters and lifeguards will be distributed around those beach areas to avoid the agglomeration of people.